MyMindScan, the platform for the analysis of your mental well-being

Alarming studies on the negative impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on our mental well-being are increasing. To enable companies to have an overview and a follow-up of the well-being of their teams, Technology Partner has partnered with VIREO to offer free access to its digital test validated by the scientific community. Thanks to the gathering of committed companies and certified coaches, MyMindScan has already conquered the Belgian and Italian borders in recent years. What will happen in Luxembourg?
The benefits of the platform for your organization
MyMindScan is designed to provide company management with benefits that allow employees to test, prevent and improve their mental well-being.
In just 20 minutes of testing, each individual can assess his or her well-being in an objective way that has been validated by the scientific community. The scan will then propose a diagram according to 6 categories: Work Environment, Recovery, Motivation, Central Nervous System, Perfectionism and Stress Resistance. (see graph) Thereafter, it is possible to call upon professional mental wellness coaches and to follow the evolution via a personalized dashboard.
With the current health crisis, every company can request free access and allow each of its employees to evaluate their well-being. Access to the scan
MyMindScan, 100% digital and anonymous
Thanks to the MyTeamMind functionality, in compliance with the GDPR and employee privacy, each administrator can benefit from an anonymous overview of their teams' results. With a digital dashboard, the administrator has access to essential statistics to keep a close eye on the mental well-being of the teams and thus prevent psychosocial risks.
With the participation of committed and responsible partners
MyMindScan was developed by physicians specialized in stress management and performance improvement. The test is regularly used by renowned companies and top athletes (AC Milan, Mac Laren F1, ...).
MyMindScan is the result of an association of several partners, each with an important role to play, MyMindScan meets an immediate need: preventing psychosocial risks and helping companies to resume their activities at full speed.
Linc Technology Partner has been asked to help with the IT development and optimization needs of the platform. Skillosophy is a certified coaching company for the interpretation of MyMindScan results. Lux Gapp ensures legal compliance with the RGPD and the highest cyber security standards.
To benefit from MyMindScan free of charge within your company, simply contact VIREO at or visit, the website dedicated to the initiative.
Written by Technology Partner and VIREO