Why should you automate certain internal processes?

That's it! Technology Partner starts creating and editing internal videos.
For our first video dedicated to the key topic of automation, our CTO Julien and our COO Brice take the plunge.
Technology Partner wants to position itself as an expert in the fields of automation and RPA. And with this first filmed interview we wanted to democratize them by addressing important questions.
Have a good viewing!
Here are the questions that our experts answered:
- What is automation?
- What are the possibilities of automation?
- How to identify the processes to be automated?
- How to choose the solution to be automated?
- What are the possible solutions?
- What does automation provide?
- What have you already automated?
We understand these steps are time-consuming and that it is necessary to be well accompanied.
Our experts are trained and our experience in the field proves that we can help you! So don't hesitate to contact us.
Written by Charline Pennisi
Directed by Julien Galego (Software Developer) and Charline Pennisi (CMCO)
Edited by Charline Pennisi (CMCO) and Chatmeleon
With the participation of Julien Gras (CTO) Brice Bortolet (COO)
Music: Envato Element
Youtube: https://youtu.be/cnde6k5RfrI