Development of a platform for temporary provisioning of workforce (Covid-19)

The Covid-19 pandemic has since March 2020 disrupted global economic activities. In this context of crisis, several Luxembourg actors have mobilised to launch a national platform for temporary provisioning of workforce as a matter of urgency.
The objective of the solution :
To provide a solution that will :
- Enable the loan of labour between companies,
- Enable unemployed and short-time workers to work in similar jobs,
- Enabling sectors affected by the crisis to overcome overwork.
Our achievement :
- Analysis of the project
- Definition of the project architecture
- Creation of models
- Complete development of an administrator and user portal
- Tests on a staging environment,
- Deployment of the project version.
- Export of the project and data for archiving.
Technology Partner a su mettre à profit son expertise pour développer en un temps record. J’apprécie particulièrement leur disponibilité, leur professionnalisme et leur force de proposition qui nous ont permis de réaliser ce projet avec succès dans les délais imposés. Laurent Lucius, Project Coordinator à la House of Entrepreneurship.
See the article related to JobSwitch
The technologies used :
- Web portal
- ASP.Net MVC 5
- Bootstrap
- Data management
- SQL Server: Storage, and search engine
- Binary files: Azure Blob Storage
- Hosting / Infrastructure
- Hosted in PAAS on Azure
- CI/CD pipeline: Automated deployment in staging and production environments (Azure DevOps)
Learn more about the DevOps approach and the CI/CD pipeline
Published on 13/11/2020